• (078) 321-6021 | 09057957122 | 0977-081-0288

Tam-an Banaue Multipurpose Cooperative (“Tam-an BMPC”, “We”, “Us”) is dedicated for the protection and security of the personal data of our Data Subjects (“You”) in compliance to the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing guidelines. We shall ensure that the collection, processing, sharing, retention, and disposal of your personal data (including those classified or sensitive personal information) is done with your consent or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Tam-an BMPC honor your rights as data subjects:

  • Right to be informed. You have the right to be notified and furnished information before your personal data is entered and processed into our system.
  • Right to object. You have the right the object the processing of your personal data and to withdraw consent in case of changes to the information supplied to you.
  • Right to access. You have the right for reasonable access, upon demand, as to pertinent details of your personal data, including their collection, processing, storage, sharing, retention, disposal, and destruction.
  • Right to erasure or blocking. You have the right to suspend; withdraw; or order the blocking, removal, or destruction of your personal data upon discovery of substantial proof as enumerated under the data privacy law.
  • Right to damages. You have the right to be indemnified for any damages sustained due to false, incomplete, outdated, unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of personal data.
  • Right to file complaint. You have the right to complain for the misuse, malicious disclosure, or improper disposal of your personal information; or for the violation of your rights as data subject.
  • Right to rectify. You have the right to dispute and have corrected any inaccuracy or error in the data we hold about you.
  • Right to data portability. You have the right to obtain and electronically move, copy or transfer your data in a secure manner, for further use.

For further inquiries you may contact our data protection officer.

Contact no: (078) 321 6021 | 0966-280-5413/0955-430-4616

In compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its implementing guidelines, I authorize Tam-an BMPC to:

  1. Use my personal information or data in its processing in relation to my availment to their products and services.
  2. Retain my information for a period of ten years, or until such time that I wrote to Tam-an BMPC a written cancellation of my consent, whichever is earlier.
  3. Retain my information shared in the database of life insurance companies in accordance with the Insurance Regulation of the Philippines.
  4. Share my information to affiliates and third parties for any legitimate business purpose.
  5. Use my personal information/data and other details for the protection and enforcement of rights and interest of Tam-an BMPC for legal proceedings or regulations; and
  6. Inform me of future customer campaigns and base its offer using the personal information I shared with Tam-an BMPC.

I also acknowledge and warrant that I have acquired the consent from all parties relevant to this consent and hold free and harmless and indemnify Tam-an BMPC from any complaint, suit, or damages which any party may file or claim in relation to my consent.

I do not agree     Agree and Continue